Dave is
15 years ago
rocking the 50 Karma!
latest #7
Gus says
15 years ago
:: : Jesca : :: says
15 years ago
:: : Jesca : :: says
15 years ago
You've been doing pretty good with plurking...:-)
:: : Jesca : :: says
15 years ago
I'm at 90.60...and I'm wondering if I'll make 91 before my trip...if I put it on vacation mode i'll lose a point!
Dave says
15 years ago
there's a vacation mode!?
:: : Jesca : :: says
15 years ago
There is...you lose one karma point but then it freezes so you don't lose a bunch. But I'm conflicted, because I figure I'll have a chance
:: : Jesca : :: says
15 years ago
to plurk while on vacation, but I am not sure I will enough to not lose more than one point of karma.
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