basecamplegends is
16 years ago
doing the twitter vs. plurk debate. It's ongoing.
latest #6
thehunterswife says
16 years ago
i like twitter when it works - plurk seems to be confusing me like im missing something
mariandeer says
16 years ago
trying to figure it all out...great to see you all here.
KristineS says
16 years ago
Twitter died on me right away. So far plurk seems to be working. Although I may try Twitter too.
Blessed says
16 years ago
I'll try twitter later - after the weekend, Plurk is nice :-)
forrest says
16 years ago
the timeline is pretty nice
ch0p5 says
16 years ago
I think I'm still a twitter fan. Plurk isn't as simple, and I'm a simple kind of guy.
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