hopeiscoming4me asks
15 years ago
what can you tell me about "imprecatory prayers"?
latest #51
15 years ago
Uhh - sounds like a type or a missed word to me .... but I don't know much
15 years ago
radio program-- some guy called in to say he was happy about Tiller death.. had prayed for it (imprecatory prayer) and God answered
15 years ago
imprecate: to invoke or call down (evil or curses), as upon a person.
15 years ago
Synonyms: curse, execrate, anathematize, accurse, denunciate.
hopeiscoming4me was
15 years ago
discussing the "unChristianess" of such an idea when I was told (without source) that such prayers were in (at least the Divine Office)
15 years ago
before v2
15 years ago
SO - I'm guessing they are part of the rite of Anathema from back in the day
15 years ago
I've delt with this apologetically a few time
15 years ago
Oh, that would have a different connotation then, right?
15 years ago
Yes, the 13th -14th century language and Council of Trent language sounds very harsh
15 years ago
the way it was being spoken of it was like, "God kill this guy and send him to Hell"
15 years ago
You have to read it carefully to see the point and understand the context of what a formal anathema excommunication is and the intent
15 years ago
Keep in mind always that the Church NEVER has said anyone is certainly in Hell
15 years ago
And that the Church in union with God ardently desires the Salvation of Every Soul
15 years ago
But there is a series of lines in the prayer that surrender the subject to the devil unto death - idea being to scare the daylights out of
15 years ago
them and it is "unto" death - not after death. The prayer ends by praying the subject repent and be saved
15 years ago
That's what I was thinking... do you have an "official source" I can show to the other person
15 years ago
I don't know why or if any of these prayers were ever int he Devine Office? That sounds odd to me - they were official prayers in the rite
15 years ago
of exorcism.
15 years ago
oh yeah, thank you for your answer
andychrism says
15 years ago
Glad I read this Plurk. I learned something.
JlovesR says
15 years ago
me too
15 years ago
I'm trying to find the resource - I may have to go back and find the blog comments where I did this last
15 years ago
15 years ago
But those don't have the prayers
15 years ago
Oh, it is in the anathema article, read carefull about 2/3 of the way in
15 years ago
"Wherefore in the name of God the All-powerful, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, of the Blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles,
15 years ago
and of all the saints, in virtue of the power which has been given us of binding and loosing in Heaven and on earth,
15 years ago
we deprive N-- himself and all his accomplices and all his abettors of the Communion of the Body and Blood of Our Lord,
15 years ago
we separate him from the society of all Christians, we exclude him from the bosom of our Holy Mother the Church in Heaven and on earth,
15 years ago
we declare him excommunicated and anathematized and we judge him condemned to eternal fire with Satan and his angels and all the reprobate,
15 years ago
so long as he will not burst the fetters of the demon, do penance and satisfy the Church; we deliver him to Satan to mortify his body,
15 years ago
that his soul may be saved on the day of judgment."
andychrism says
15 years ago
Oh my! That is some serious tough love. Scary stuff.
15 years ago
Thinking more about that : THis is from the right of Major Excorcism, which I *think* can only be performed by the Pope with the help of
15 years ago
several more priests and Bishops
15 years ago
Certainly **very Very** misguided at least, if not forbidden for a lay person to say this prayer
15 years ago
Looking more in Catholic Encyclopedia - looks like other examples of imprecatory oaths or vows are bringing the curse down on the one
15 years ago
taking the vow or oathe
15 years ago
Okay - now I am googling "imprecatory prayres" and finding a bunch of Fundy /evangelical stuff - really out there
15 years ago
GNW_Paul: The fact that some psalms are not in the LOH or Mass does not mean the laity cannot pray it... this came up in my OT scripture
15 years ago
Class. Our prof pointed out the Psalms are VERY human, but some prayers are NOT meant to be prayed in community, but can help us express
15 years ago
ourselves in private prayer. And of course, there could be the problem of missing the point of the prayer
15 years ago
Which would be a greater problem in community!
15 years ago
I'm reading some stuff I found on Google by Protestants who think the we should pray the imprecatory psalms as spiritual weapons
15 years ago
AdoroTeDevote: I think the understanding exhibitted (3rd hand) by the guy who called into the radio show would be way outside of Catholic
15 years ago
*sigh* Which is why it's so disastrous for them to be reading a Catholic book without the Magisterium to guide them
15 years ago
15 years ago
Very grateful to have been led by the HS to trust in the Magisterium and to have BXVI
andychrism says
15 years ago
Amen to that!
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