jae+Dee is
15 years ago
depressed. They've pulled out Red Bull from all stores... (tears)
latest #19
marix says
15 years ago
Whoa! Well... A lot of energy drinks surely conquered the market nowadays...
Elepanteng Ube asks
15 years ago
is it because of the cocaine traces?
15 years ago
yup yup... so im back to LIPOVITANNNNN!!! (dance)
15 years ago
talaga? cocaine?
Rawr says
15 years ago
cocaine???? (bigeyes)
15 years ago
hey wow...when do we ge the big eyes emoticon?
15 years ago
rory has magic and can conjure up all sorts of emoticons that are not really there!!!
15 years ago
Yeah, 18,000 bottles were withdrawn from Taiwan and something like 8,000 from HK and now here in the PHILs they are testing the stuff
Rawr says
15 years ago
i just had 2 bottles this week... OHMY.
15 years ago
yeah, i drink REd bull to stay awake during my almost daily taxi trips to channel 9
ardee says
15 years ago
hoowhat?! no more red bull... :'-(
15 years ago
okay, red bull is BAAAAACKKKK!!!!! Wala daw cocaine ang mga REd Bull dito. Should I say sayang? LOLOL
Mustardio-kun says
15 years ago
Posh Spice says
15 years ago
how does red bull taste like?pwede ba yan sa lactating moms for boost of energy?
CaTch says
15 years ago
Red Bull is tastes nasty!
15 years ago
RiaElizabeth: you'd be better off closing your eyes for five minutes. Even if it's safe, it's hard to say how the baby will react.
CaTch says
15 years ago
hahaha! Baby acting like it's on crack....
CaTch says
15 years ago
it wouldn't be funny if he was really on crack though....
15 years ago
giantslayer, red bull tastes awful. THat's why I like it. Posh, keep away from caffeine when bfeeding!!
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