why humans are so concerned about the meaning of life...do rocks contemplate this?
latest #17
really? you don't have concern about the meaning of your life?
about the meaning of life all the time..i just want to know why i do...it seems a little silly to ask yourself a question with no answer
the answer to 'why' depends on who yr asking.
if this is what sets humans apart from other animals
its not wrong to not wonder just enjoy the ride
The question should be, 'what would it be like assuming rocks did contemplate life?'
“For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to a. mate with, b. eat, c. run away from, and d. rocks.”
rocks have neatly divided and governed by rules and yet sometimes they do go a bit crazy just like the humans and animals, chaos theory?
probably or probable or problem?
I made something like that in my video game design class last quarter. Mine died after a while, but it was still really weird.
going to go with bergson here when he says that it's a matter of duration.
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