16 years ago
might be playing with fire this weekend.
latest #10
Poet's Corner says
16 years ago
well, most people will be won't they? that is
16 years ago
well, yeah. I help a friend put on an unofficial show though. So we set up pallets full of mortars for friends.
Poet's Corner says
16 years ago
sweeeeeet!!!! make sure there's lots of water?
16 years ago
hmm. probably a good idea, so it more than likely won't happen. (s_good_luck)
Poet's Corner
16 years ago
16 years ago
hehe. That is actually one lesson that *has* stuck with me through the years. That, and jumping under your desk during an earthquake.
16 years ago
done. The next time I'm sleeping next to you and there is an earthquake, I'll just kick you under the door... :-)
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