crazyprincess will
15 years ago
not join her family in watching Drag Me to Hell tonight. Watching a horror flick will make me feel even sicker. xD
latest #8
foolishh(e)art says
15 years ago
aww... hope you get well soon!
watching horror movies always make me feel better(evilsmirk)get well soon(cozy)
The Squirrel says
15 years ago
I can't stand Horror Films >.< Relax watch a movie dapat :-o
施怡美 Charm Sy says
15 years ago
Horror films!!! I want to watch!! :-D
crazyprincess shares
15 years ago
I once watched "Shutter", a horror flick, during my exam week in HS & got a bad fever the next day. didn't get to take my Chinese exams. o.O
crazyprincess says
15 years ago
hartang: thanks Hart! :-D
crazyprincess says
15 years ago
I wanna watch Drag Me to Hell though! The trailer was WOAH. xD
AngelAko says
15 years ago
haha... they said it's a waste of money daw... get well soon dess
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