zero.geo thinks
15 years ago
the mtv movie awards 2009 is a total mess.
latest #8
zero.geo says
15 years ago
AND i think they succeeded on offending eminem.
The Frey says
15 years ago
they said it was part of the show? Eminem agreed to be punked...
zero.geo says
15 years ago
that was NO punk :-P
The Frey says
15 years ago
zero.geo says
15 years ago
that was awfully degrading bro. even if there was humor involved :-P
The Frey says
15 years ago
spotischekos: yep.. wen i saw d pic I hurriedly close the tab.. hahaha..
butz says
15 years ago
why? what happened?
zero.geo says
15 years ago
eminem got "butt" faced but by the scandalous "Bruno" aka borat
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