hopeiscoming4me shares
15 years ago
latest #20
FrCorySticha says
15 years ago
Wow. Funny in a morbid sense, but wow.
FrCorySticha says
15 years ago
The lack of logic used by pro-abortion advocates is almost stunning in its complexity.
15 years ago
I know.. I've been discussing abortion all day on a message board for a book website that has absolutely nothing to do with abortion
15 years ago
but someone had to point out the ridiculousness of their arguments
15 years ago
... however I now realize the full impact of the sorry state of our nation. I have people telling me that "fetuses are not alive"
15 years ago
and that I'm racist for comparing abortion to the Holocaust, or to Slavery and the fight for civil rights
15 years ago
because I'm calling pro-choice people Nazis and Slave Masters by such comparisons
15 years ago
No, but they are sympathetic to such causes by supporting the murder of the unborn.
15 years ago
thats like being moderately dead
FrCorySticha says
15 years ago
I had someone on Facebook get upset with me because "No one is pro-abortion."
FrCorySticha says
15 years ago
She also said "It would be best if the leadership of the church didn't use such an offensive term."
FrCorySticha says
15 years ago
I'm sorry she feels that way, but the truth is the truth. Period.
FrCorySticha says
15 years ago
I honestly wonder if those who are pro-"choice" really think about what that "choice" means.
15 years ago
after discussing this all... I'm sad to say, I don't think many pro-"choice" people think about it at all
15 years ago
I am shocked (truly) and dismayed by some of the replies
15 years ago
"it's not a child until it's born" "those pictures are fake, it doesn't even look human until it's ready to be born"
15 years ago
and I'm not pro-life or anti-abortion, I'm a "forced birther"
15 years ago
"it's better to be dead than disabled/mentally unstable/born into an abusive home/etc."
say, Grace#🟦 says
15 years ago
my brother told me that it wa just a blob of tissue! I told him to watch who he says that to, any friends who become pregnant he's likely to
say, Grace#🟦 says
15 years ago
get punched int he face or worse. He's gone so radical since he got married! (annoyed)
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