jana the broto is
15 years ago
always sleepy somehow :-P
latest #12
gogoporen says
15 years ago
gula darah naik... kena lalat tse2... :-)
imisme says
15 years ago
jun? gimana film pendeknyaaa? jadinya apa? (angry)
15 years ago
sleepyhead (: (: (: (:
jana the broto says
15 years ago
apa itu lalat tse2?!
jana the broto says
15 years ago
soal ceritanya masi blom pasti me, tapi mo stop motion kayanya heuaheuae
gogoporen says
15 years ago
sorry i take that one back it's too horrid..
gogoporen says
15 years ago
The tsetse fly feeds on the blood of animals and humans. Its bite can carry a parasite that will work its way through your body
gogoporen says
15 years ago
if left untreated, put you on course for a slow, agonizing and certain death. It's called the sleeping sickness.
jana the broto says
15 years ago
HIIIII... seramm...
jana the broto says
15 years ago
bisa ditemukian dimana tuh lalat2?
gogoporen says
15 years ago
The narrow arc along the equator ventures through 36 sub-Saharan nations, 22 of which are among the most underdeveloped in the world
jana the broto says
15 years ago
hiii... untung ngga ada di sinjapo..
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