Hatake thinks
16 years ago
he'll visit mihashi!
latest #155
Hatake says
16 years ago
*is looking for him, finally finds him napping, and pokes him on the arm* uuuh. oi, mihashi.
Hatake says
16 years ago
whoa! uh... *backs away* m'not here to, uh, terr'rize you or nothing.
Hatake says
16 years ago
er. here. *hands over a small box of gay strawberry cake that he remembers mihashi liked* um. cake.
Hatake says
16 years ago
... *scratches the back of his head* ... i know i said it already, but sorry about middle school?
Hatake says
16 years ago
yeah. um.
16 years ago
*sits down next to mihashi but still a few feet away*
Hatake says
16 years ago
do you think i could ask you a few questions?
Hatake says
16 years ago
well... you're kano's best friend, right? i was going to ask a few things.
Hatake says
16 years ago
*snorts* whatever, man. everyone knows you and kano are tight. *puts his fingers together* he's so protective of you even til now.
Hatake says
16 years ago
oh, no, you can have it all. *waves it away* i had mine.
Hatake says
16 years ago
anyway, he is!
Hatake says
16 years ago
yeah, uh. see-- *is dense* i think kano hates me kind of a lot.
Hatake says
16 years ago
*tugging on grass* i'd stop trying to be his catcher if there was anyone else, but i don think anyone will join the team anytime soon.
Hatake says
16 years ago
he's kinda stuck with me?
Hatake says
16 years ago
but we suck as a battery, an it's hard to make him practice with me after practice.
Hatake says
16 years ago
whaddya mean EH? >.>
Hatake says
16 years ago
you and him were best buds, right? i bullied you, and then we fought, so o'course he might not like me much after that.
Hatake says
16 years ago
*frowns* not really b'coz of you. stop being dumb, mihashi. you always say that, so it also got a little irritating in middle school.
Hatake says
16 years ago
but is not your fault, k? *still frowning in his hatake way*
Hatake says
16 years ago
i'm not a good catcher. o_O
Hatake says
16 years ago
and o'course he is. *huff*
Hatake says
16 years ago
... eh. *this is not going well* i wanted to ask if you 'ave ideas on how to make it easier to talk to him.
Hatake says
16 years ago
i'd ask oda, but i can't understand him when he talks with kansai ben so much.
Hatake says
16 years ago
not really?
Hatake says
16 years ago
well, we get along ok in the field.
Hatake says
16 years ago
and he's the same kano as ever, but we don hang out after practice as much, and i think we kinda need to practice a bit more sometimes.
Hatake says
16 years ago
Hatake says
16 years ago
Hatake says
16 years ago
... no
Hatake says
16 years ago
not really?
Hatake says
16 years ago
... ehehehehe.... *sheepish laugh*
Hatake says
16 years ago
well, visiting you is ok too.
Hatake says
16 years ago
og. eh. i wanted to drop by earlier, but you live kinda really really far now.
Hatake is
16 years ago
over the whole middle school thing!
Hatake says
16 years ago
Hatake says
16 years ago
you say really weird things sometimes. >.> *pats his head*
Hatake says
16 years ago
*is awkward!*
Hatake thinks
16 years ago
mihashi's not so bad when he isn't being a total wimp.
Hatake says
16 years ago
g-go eat your cake. >.>
Hatake says
16 years ago
Abe says
16 years ago
(We can continue tomorrow or something! 8D)
Hatake thinks
16 years ago
Mihashi laughs really weird.
Hatake says
16 years ago
so... how've you been? *reluctant to go home yet, SO FAR AWAY*
Hatake says
16 years ago
oh yeah, i heard about that... sorry about the bijou thing.
Hatake says
16 years ago
how's that catcher of yours? the frowny one.
Hatake says
16 years ago
training camp. huh. o_O
Hatake says
16 years ago
as in mountains and stuff like that?!
Hatake says
16 years ago
we go to hotter places, like the beach or something.
Hatake says
16 years ago
*scratches his head* the one we had, it was mostly for the regulars.
Hatake says
16 years ago
Hatake says
16 years ago
oh. m'fine.
Hatake says
16 years ago
like i said, kinda dunno how to talk to kano.
Hatake says
16 years ago
eh, maybe.
Hatake says
16 years ago
*is dense, kind of*
Hatake says
16 years ago
... k. maybe when he's not sick or something.
Hatake says
16 years ago
i think he has a cold.
Hatake says
16 years ago
what, now? you'll have to sleep over there coz it'll be evening when we get there.
Hatake says
16 years ago
but then i'd have to sleep over here, right?
Hatake says
16 years ago
and what about school? D:
16 years ago
(Because Mihashi, Gunma is kinda far away. D: )
Abe says
16 years ago
(Eli, is that you? XD)
Hatake says
16 years ago
*doesn't tell Mihashi, but he played hooky at school today to get here*
Hatake says
16 years ago
ouh. but it'd be better if you were around. :<
Hatake says
16 years ago
ooookey. if you're sure you want to come with. :-D
tajima says
16 years ago
Hatake says
16 years ago
Hatake says
16 years ago
but see, i'd have to stay over and then we can go to mihoshi together tomorrow, coz i kinda dun think you know how to get there by train.
Hatake says
16 years ago
or i can go home now and then you can go there tomorrow and then i'll meet you at practice?
Hatake is
16 years ago
not very good at this planning thing.
Hatake says
16 years ago
ok! (woot)
Hatake says
16 years ago
see you tomorrow, mihashi!
16 years ago
doesn't know if he approves of this or not.
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