hwnhrt thinks
16 years ago
something is wrong with her sex drive
latest #106
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
i'm never interested and it's causing probs
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah me too but it's not working.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
ive talked to my dr and she said unfortunately theres nothing that can be done about it
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah, situation with leo isnt helping either
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
what can i do?
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
he says things wont get better till I do more....it's one big circle!!!
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah, ur telling me
anjuli says
16 years ago
tawnya maybe it's time you checked out those clinics for ptsd stuff...group counselling or maybe there's an association
anjuli says
16 years ago
of people with spouces who suffer from ptsd
anjuli says
16 years ago
coping skills etc
anjuli says
16 years ago
men can be idiots
anjuli says
16 years ago
there's so much going on in your life it's understandable to lose sex drive
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah i know
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
there was more stress before and I didn't have any probs with it but after DD, don't even ask for it
anjuli says
16 years ago
i think a lot of it is to do with weight for me
anjuli says
16 years ago
i just don't feel attractive enough lot of times
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah, it was like that after having my first son, then it was great when I met DH. then after child #2, it was still
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
Hey. Just signed on.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
fine but after DD (child #3) just don't ask then after child #4...don't even think of it.
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
Tawnya, your doctor said there was nothing to do about it? Your doctor is an ignorant asshole!
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
how old is your youngest child?
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah, she said that theres no meds or anything for women. my youngest is 11 months.
anjuli says
16 years ago
yeah i agree apparently i missed that part. Idiot doctor
anjuli says
16 years ago
there's always something that can be done
anjuli says
16 years ago
did she even begin to diagnose the problem?
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
sex drive is a combination of mental state and hormones. You need your hormone levels tested and may need some type of suplement.
anjuli says
16 years ago
isolate what could be causing this lack of sex drive?
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
how old is your youngest?
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
it takes 2 years for a woman's hormones to get back to normal after having a baby.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
thats what i thought but i figured she was the dr.
anjuli says
16 years ago
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
my youngest is 11 months
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
and, a woman's hormones change approximately every 7 years.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
but this is the worst its been after having a child
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
I had a total hysterectomy, including removal of both ovaries, at the age of 41. Believe me, I've done my research on hormones.
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
medial science has not made women and their enjoyment of sex a priority.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
but they sure have for men
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
if your hormones aren't balanced, you will not care whether or not you have sex. Mentally, you might feel ike you should...
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
but, physically, you could take it or leave it.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
i always thought it was 12 months
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
maybe thats my prob. i just totally dont care at all if i have it. maybe there is a hormonal imbalance or something
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah, i need to go and talk to planned parenthood
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
i will
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
as a woman, there is one thing I've learned....keep pushing and keep looking until you find answers. Don't accept no as an answer.
anjuli says
16 years ago
yes and keep us posted
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah, im learning that too
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
I had my hysterectomy after getting bad information from my doctor. Doctors don't know everything and some are good and some are bad.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah i know
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
after my surgery, sex was painful and I had zero libido. Now, I'm back to normal. If I had listened to my frst doctor....
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
I woul not have a sex life today.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
yes, really. I researched the internet, read books, and found answers. Then, I found a doctor who would work with me.
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
I went through 4 doctors to find this one. She is wonderful.
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
yes, it is.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
k, just got off the phone with planned parenthood.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
$125 for doctor visit
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
no govt fund, they ran out of money and wont find out if they will get any till sept
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
additional $40 to get tested for hormonal imbalance
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
i dont know where else to look. thats the only place i've been told that can help when u dont have money or ins
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
i might just have to save money or wait to see if they get approved for govt help
anjuli says
16 years ago
maybe ask them if they know of any govt funded facilities that are free?
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
wow. I'm sorry.
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
who told you that was the only place?
anjuli says
16 years ago
or since you're going to vegas maybe find one there??
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
thats what i was just gonna write. ill call the one in vegas when i get there and see if they have free services
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
try calling a local gynecologist offices and find out if they have a program or know where else you can go.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
well im thinking ill just stick it out till vegas and see if the planned parenthood there will help
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
i tried getting medicaid but they said because we own two cars that i dont qualify
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
our government doesn't do a very good job with medicaid.
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
no they dont. its terrible.
anjuli says
16 years ago
thats awful just cuz you have 2 cars they refused. Health care here is not the best at times
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah because we're still making payments on them that they see it that we have the money for the ins. as well
hwnhrt says
16 years ago
yeah i know
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