Bendy says
15 years ago
mrrfff- apparently I have acne! Mrrfff :-(
latest #15
trixbear8 says
15 years ago
do kitties get acne?!
Aly-Licious says
15 years ago
Bendy says
15 years ago
yeppo- there is a tendency for some longhairs to have quite a facial problem. My chin and upper lip! Blackheads! :-o
trixbear8 says
15 years ago
15 years ago
Oh, does it hurt? :-o
15 years ago
awww poor kitteh!
Griffy.Lapin hates
15 years ago
when that happens....
Griffy.Lapin says
15 years ago
but Bendy, those wacky ape like creatures who feed you will probably find a magic potion to help with your bumps....
15 years ago
remembers that my red kitty had it also and we went to another wacky ape like creature who gave us miracle pills and creams....
Griffy.Lapin hopes
15 years ago
you will trust the wacky ape like creatures, Bendix....
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