【黒翡翠】Kuro thinks
15 years ago
I prefer Math and chemisty better than biology and physics >w<
latest #6
[email protected] says
15 years ago
but theory of evolution in the third year is interesting. :-D
Andros - RB 21 says
15 years ago
setubuhhh gann... gw juga
Adriano Minami says
15 years ago
Biologi yg plng gak enak
【黒翡翠】Kuro says
15 years ago
=w=a iya bio ga enak.. Tp entah knp klo fis otak saia sering ga maw konek :'-(
めりさ•ありす says
15 years ago
sama.. Kadang konek kdg nga lolz
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