missy M' says
15 years ago
i need help!!!
latest #21
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
what kind of help missy M ??
missy M' says
15 years ago
i cant find english riddles,quizzes n stuff in google :-( can help me find?
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
u want to find english quiz and stuff ?? Ehh Ernest here lah not Joey.. So please tell me in detail...
missy M' says
15 years ago
yupp english quizzes, riddles...
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
You got add Joey on msn ?? Its easier for me if we talk on msn cause if not I have to wait for you slowly take your time reply -.-
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
Search on internet ??
missy M' says
15 years ago
search d, cant find...din on msn lerh
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
apa lah.. susah ini.. want to tell you also susah leh// u sure Joey eh msn boh add you ar ??
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
btw what kind of quiz you want ?? about what eh ?? also horr.. what kind of riddles ??
missy M' says
15 years ago
got add, i din on msn nia..err anythin, as long as its english lol can help me find spellin bee?
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
spelling bee ?? ehh on msn then.. talk on msn easier lah.. if not wait you reply here so long eh
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
fast fast fast !!!
missy M' says
15 years ago
okok lol
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
and msg me cause I dont know which is you..
missy M' says
15 years ago
can't sign in!!
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
Alamak.. why is everyone having problem with msn ar ?? Haiyo.. try to delete and then reinstall and see
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
or use old version or MSN..
missy M' says
15 years ago
cant stil...
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
seriously ?? MSN khi siao xD
missy M' says
15 years ago
ya, its down these days
Joeytan. says
15 years ago
but not mine...
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