SuperLam asks
15 years ago
how do you make a bridge out of popsicle sticks
latest #10
tantrum says
15 years ago
distribute the weight by making an arch either below or above the bridge... depends on what your restrictions are...
tantrum says
15 years ago
add some supports under the bridge itself... add a slight angle to the middle of the bridge to add more support, too...
tantrum says
15 years ago
you just want to make sure that the weight on the sticks is being carried by the ENTIRE stick... no weak points
tunah says
15 years ago
dude be like that mom of the cancer-ridden child of thirteen and leave it in the hands of jesus.
SuperLam says
15 years ago
i'll try to interpret that into my bridge design....and tunah....wth?
SuperLam says
15 years ago
no i've heard about the story, i'm say wth cuz what does that have to do with making a bridge?
mark 1
15 years ago
mark 1
15 years ago
mark 1
15 years ago
i hate you
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