Mika has
15 years ago
learned that my grandfather is essentially kicking me out. He's grilling me every day about moving out and gettin mad that we don't sell our
latest #28
15 years ago
bikes and everything we don't use and that we shouldn't waste our money on stuff like gas since K lives so close to work he should ride his
15 years ago
bike... which he said we should sell.
Lee Lee Lover
15 years ago
Lee Lee Lover
15 years ago
15 years ago
I'm sad and angry and I don't know what to do. We can't move out if I can't get a job. *sighs* I need some serious help.
Lee Lee Lover
15 years ago
are there any DHS offices yo could go through?
15 years ago
who to the what now?
15 years ago
Are you that close that K could ride to work? That would be awesome! I wish I could ride to work. That might even be worth living in
15 years ago
*cringe* Corona for. How's the temp agency looking so far? Any prospects?
15 years ago
Not as of yet. They can't even squeeze me in for an appt until next month sometime.
15 years ago
Oh! Well suck. I thought you already went in. Hmm...
15 years ago
In the meantime, have you considered a paper route? (LOL) Honey, I know. I hear ya. Its hard right now. I am looking into starting up with
15 years ago
some babysitting and dogwalking and whatever else I can think of. Its that slow for me and I'm running out of options and support. We'll
15 years ago
just do what we gotta do yeah?
15 years ago
Yeah. *sigh* I'm gonna be looking back into WIC and actually having a sit down appt. Not to mention some other things.
15 years ago
Nice. We did WIC for a while.
15 years ago
*sighs* I don't qualify, though. K "makes too much money." Which is bullshit. Which is why I'm going to go in in person and see if they'll
15 years ago
15 years ago
If you don't qualify there's not much they can do. We are so much in debt that you have to be just about below the poverty level to get any
15 years ago
assistance. The only reason I qualified when I was pregnant and Ish was an infant is because M and I were not married and weren't claiming
15 years ago
joint income and I had so little. Its okay, you'll find a job and move past this.
Misty says
15 years ago
Check with the unemployment office for job listings. I've been told they help with job searches and they offer training courses. It's
Misty says
15 years ago
something I have to look into soon. and krimson?J Corona isn't that bad.. :-P
15 years ago
It's not. ^.^ But getting a paperroute? No offense but that made me laugh my ass off. In cost mesa, there are like 7 mexicans in a big white
15 years ago
van who drive around at 3 in the morning tossing papers. If we were in, say, a nicer area, I wouldn't mind so much. (heart) It's a good idea
15 years ago
if you don't live where I do.
15 years ago
You were supposed to laugh at the idea of the paper route. I was totally kidding. (LOL)
15 years ago
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