15 years ago
my plurk:reply ratio is soo bad right now. I have to learn to plurk more
latest #12
Viva La Drea
15 years ago
tsk tsk. be like me.
Jingleheimer says
15 years ago
uhm. okay.... how?
Viva La Drea
15 years ago
plurk 24/7. always have one browser open on plurk. refresh all the time. (LOL)
Jingleheimer says
15 years ago
Jingleheimer says
15 years ago
no wonder your karma's somewhere round 97
Viva La Drea
15 years ago
haha. mostly its because i use plurk as my ym, so we all chat here... i'm sure you noticed that too w/ your brother's and my friends (LOL)
Jingleheimer says
15 years ago
yeah. But my brother is a plurk hater (LOL)
Viva La Drea
15 years ago
i have a friend whose plurk username is actually PlurkHater. needless to say, now he uses plurk everday.
Jingleheimer says
15 years ago
pastor Armin?
Jingleheimer says
15 years ago
Viva La Drea
15 years ago
haha yup. he spent the first two weeks complainung about plurk only to become a fan after :-P
Jingleheimer says
15 years ago
well, it's plurk. what did he expect?
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