greggersh is
16 years ago
trying to figure out how to respond to Penny about spilling coffee on her Mac. It would sound like this: "#$% $% #$ #$%#$%@#$%Y&$^&$$%#$%"
latest #10
pennygersh says
16 years ago
Because greggersh NEVER makes mistakes. Ever.
★Diana★ thinks
16 years ago
greggersh is perfect
bmsterling says
16 years ago
don't feel bad pennygersh, my wife poured a vinti coffee on her brand new MBP... there was some sizzle but turned out ok.
pennygersh says
16 years ago
phew. Mine was a grande and yes, it was on my 3 month old MBP.
★Diana★ says
16 years ago
I wonder it would have been as bad if it was iced
pennygersh says
16 years ago
It would have been barfalicious!!
★Diana★ says
16 years ago
like green toenails!
pennygersh says
16 years ago
pennygersh says
16 years ago
BTW you could have just said: (s_angry)
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