PamL is
15 years ago
signed up (PamLuther) Now what do I do?
latest #22
Jjoy says
15 years ago
welcome (bye)
SophiaGrace says
15 years ago
Hello and welcome! (bye)
15 years ago
also you will need to go up to the top left of your page to ALerts and add all us wonderful knew folks as friends! :-D
almostholymoly says
15 years ago
andthen you plurk away about something or nothing
15 years ago
15 years ago
Welcome!!!! Have a good plurking experience. :-)
15 years ago
Just requested friendship. Glad you came!
15 years ago
You'll see the names of everyone you're following when they start a thread, and you can comment directly on each one (like we're doing)
andychrism says
15 years ago
Panic. Run screaming for the nearest TechSavy 12 year old so he can mock you. That's what I wanted to do.
15 years ago
andychrism says
15 years ago
Hi there!
15 years ago
Please accept our friendship requests so we can follow your plurks and respond!
15 years ago
My updates are protected here so you can't see mine without being my friend
15 years ago
That's lesson 1. ;-)
PamL says
15 years ago
thanks for the welcome!!! I hope you will be patient with a super duper newbie.
PamL says
15 years ago
Andychrism, I am way ahead of my kids. They don't twitter either! lol
PamL says
15 years ago
MemoriaDei: its good to "see" you again. I have been worrying about you
andychrism says
15 years ago
I actually informed a college gal home for the summer about Twitter and Plurk. She's a journalism major!
andychrism says
15 years ago
You are cutting edge Pam!
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