doing her chinese holiday homework D: so many to do!! D:
latest #20
eh, i not sure what to press lehr... Can tell me?
coz I rmbr cher say the press the center thing right? But when press, then they will say what minus one mark lehr.
minus 1 mark? wad u mean??
cos (i think only) u do wrong mah...they how to say...'punish u for doing wrong the question' ?
i think is like that lah...
so is just do finish then just press the center button? Or need press the left hand bottom tht thing.
i think...cos libin say press that one
so just press the center button for all luhr? Then when finished, how to go out? Just press back? Please reply both. Thanks! {:
u mean the MCQ thingy de har? i press the left summit then after doing all the question then i press the middle summit again
i just press SEC1ACL_YS4 only then can go back le
okay. Then for the fill in the blanks want lehr, tht want is I do first time then need press the bottom left thingy not?
idk .... i press the left summit for the question...then at the end i press the middle summit again. mean like summit 2 times
idk i press both lor
ohhhh, I think I tmrw go ask chi cher luhr...
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