SO SWEET~! see, bimbos are SWEET.
see...even bimbos love you
HAHA. eh nisha, do you still keep your bimbo?
so dead she has vanished from decomposition you dont resuscitate it again or something? ><
yah, her soul must be in bimbo-soulsville now
i did, and she died again so i don't bother anymore.
nisha, you cant even take care of a virtual human
you know who takes good care of the son then
smiles: that's why i need my hubby to take care of me.
yesyes hubby, you are the one who takes care of the son.
note: ninu, did you not notice the incestuous affair?
not willingly! *shudders*
that wasn't what you told me last night, son
whattt~! i don stone okay.
i think it's time again to take out those divorce pprs in my drawer.
let's talk about this in private
everything will be alright. im an awesome mom
don't confuse the poor son any further
haha. i feel like a kid even though i'm supposed to be a yr older today.
because you will always be our son
haha. you have no idea how much i cringed at the corniness level of that statement
but i know your heart is forever warmed by the sincerity of that statement
truly a family moment *wipes a tear*
i still stand for annihilating all the kids in the world
take back your tissue, son
hahaha WHY! *takes tissue*
whats wrong with you dad ><