Heiru is
16 years ago
going to Frank White's to set up for sale and BBQ!
latest #17
WhoreOfBabylon says
16 years ago
mmm BBQ!
WhoreOfBabylon says
16 years ago
plenty of that will be had in NJ
16 years ago
Hells Yeah!
16 years ago
bbqing fish and veggies?
Heiru says
16 years ago
sure babe^__^
Heiru says
16 years ago
oh! I sooo wasn't bbqing...the people at the place was...but it came with a price tag lol
Heiru says
16 years ago
that "sure babe^__^" was for if that's what you want me to bbq~_^
Heiru says
16 years ago
this dude had my dying there! cuz he was like, "Yo...how they say it's a bbq and then tell me it's $7 a plate?" shoulda seen son face
Heiru says
16 years ago
WhoreOfBabylon says
16 years ago
lmfao aww
Heiru says
16 years ago
son is mad funny!
16 years ago
yeah but that's gay,
16 years ago
who does that?
16 years ago
Anyway, no I do not want bbqd fish.
16 years ago
thanks, but ill pass
WhoreOfBabylon says
16 years ago
mmm i want! charbroiled
16 years ago
that actually sounds good....but again with the fish....
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