Ariadne says
15 years ago
I want some summer plans~ Why is SC so boring?
latest #13
R e a f u says
15 years ago
Southern Comfort :-D!
♔yuzuru says
15 years ago
ahaha leave it to Reafu to brighten our day! 8DD
R e a f u says
15 years ago
^__^! I seriously want to travel to the southern US and CALI <3!
♔yuzuru says
15 years ago
hehe one tip, never visit central Cali! only go either north or south XDD!
R e a f u says
15 years ago
lol okay
Ariadne says
15 years ago
Never visit the southeastern region of the US... You'll just find a bunch of rednecks. >_>
Ariadne says
15 years ago
But I will keep that in mind about California!
Ariadne says
15 years ago
I want to go to Seattle for some reason...
Ariadne says
15 years ago
Or Toronto, of course! But I know that's not going to happen this summer. T_T
R e a f u says
15 years ago
R e a f u says
15 years ago
Perhaps we should meet in the middle (LOL)?
Ariadne says
15 years ago
That would be pretty awesome. XD
R e a f u says
15 years ago
Alright, heading to the 49th parallel, BRB!
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