cchausis is
16 years ago
wondering how long it will take to get more Plurk karma
latest #8
Skip Z says
16 years ago
I'm over 15 and I started late yesterday...not even 20 hours and I'm over 15.
milobo says
16 years ago
it will come! Invite friends, plurk, fill out your profile, and get people to reply to your plurks.
milobo says
16 years ago
and welcome to Plurk!
n2teaching shares
16 years ago
Plurk karma. Welcome. Thanks for the add (s_bye)
njtechteacher says
16 years ago
surprisingly quickly.
kwhobbes says
16 years ago
it will take time!!!
fsinfo says
16 years ago
I must not be doing it right I only go up a point or so a day.
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