I really need a corporate photo. sigh.
latest #19
u've been saying that since last Nov, dear.
mmmm. I need to source a photog i'm comfy with!
haha is tht an excuse i hear? u know so many ppl. im sure u can think of someone!
hmpf. are you saying that coz i NEED a makeover? (hands on hips)
hmm well i'm sure for you, he'll have a special rate?
er, no. Just thought it might be an excuse to try something radically different. Like may be go for a vampire look for your corporate photo.
n why wld she go for a vampire look unless she's looking to sell the Twilight-related merchandise or smtg.
she could add a line that she doesn't sleep at night until the client's job is done.
lol! I like the idea of vampire! Maybe i should have one for every industry! (wink)
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