annhandley says
16 years ago
timjackson This will resonate for you, I bet:
latest #13
annhandley says
16 years ago
forgot the
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
The link is broken. Yeah... that resonates...
annhandley says
16 years ago
sorry bout that...
annhandley says
16 years ago
hope you enjoy - going to bed!
annhandley says
16 years ago
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
Listening now. It's great. THANK YOU.
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
You're not so bad after all.
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
Oh I love that one! I watch it from time to time. She is hilarious! good pick Ann!
16 years ago
I loved that talk :-)
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
I subscribed via iTunes and play one when I do house work or ankle exercises.
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
Did you see the one on photosynth? I think nethead posted it recently.
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