thinks 15 years ago
the less easy it is to mistake him with the other Blackout, the better.
still wants a shower, but he wants to enjoy it, too.
something out of the car, for that.
you left it in the car?!?
if it's what I think you're talking about...those were unpacked almost first.
wanted it out the first night, and was refused!
off the shower now, and unsure when he'll be back, heh.
why you were refused... it's been a week since move out!
thinks 15 years ago
volume may have been a factor... It is sort of...loud. Generally speaking.
afraid things didn't go quite as planned in the shower--will have to check the battery case better next time.
quite tired and ready to sleep, he thinks.
it's not really that loud
the vibrating cut out almost as soon as I turned it on. Quite disappointing.
if the battery was dead or in wrong or what?
thinks 15 years ago
water maybe have gotten in.
it didn't short circuit then it might stop working all together
left it out to dry. Will have to try it out today.
can't seem to turn his smirk off at the moment, hmm
smirking because you're all so clumsy sometimes.
occasionally finds it cute.
didn't used to be, unfortunately.
mostly just finds it annoying.
pleased to report that it still works.
thinks 15 years ago
that's very good.