Sara has
15 years ago
a sunburn and it hurts so bad :-( I think it's time for some more aloe....
latest #10
Griffy.Lapin thinks
15 years ago
that is definitely in order... followed by vitamin e oil
15 years ago
uh oh.
Griffy.Lapin says
15 years ago
they also gave me a diuretic when I had a severe sunburn once, in the Carribean... not sure why, but it did help.
15 years ago
tons of fresh aloe (gel taken right from the plant), gallons upn gallons of water and cocoa oe shea butter and vitamn e oil....
Griffy.Lapin says
15 years ago
the aloe gel will make the burning stop and will soothe....
Sara says
15 years ago
that's what I'm using. My fiance applied for me 4 or 5 times last night. The only thing is, he's at work right now, and I can't reach where
Sara says
15 years ago
I'm burned to put it on. Good thing he only has an hour left of work! I guess that's what I get for forgetting to put on sunscreen when
Sara says
15 years ago
I'm gardening all day.
15 years ago
yikes, the sun must have been intense. so odd for this time of year.
Sara says
15 years ago
I am very very fair, so I should have known better. All it takes is an hour in the sun and I'm pink
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