Wakooz_com says
15 years ago
Quote of the day: "A friend is someone who's there when he needs you"
latest #13
shellyhill says
15 years ago
15 years ago
don't agree
15 years ago
i'm with lindan.
15 years ago
a slave is someone who is there when he needs something. a friend is someone you know and have a mutual bond or affection.
Wakooz_com says
15 years ago
ok, ok Narayan you've got it but the majority of the "friends" are like this, you don't think so???
EK Encarnacion says
15 years ago
How about... A friend is someone who wishes he/she could be near you to help you (when you're in need) even though he/she knows he/she can't
忙碌的小精灵 says
15 years ago
A close friend someone who is always there when he needs you ~ :-P
忙碌的小精灵 says
15 years ago
Some people have lots of friend, so the close one is always it ~ :-D
abby-bear says
15 years ago
Yvonne says
15 years ago
Vice versa---A friend is someone who is there when you need him/her. (LOL)
numinatic thinks
15 years ago
thats not a friend
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