DammitDog is
16 years ago
hiding under Mom's desk.
latest #15
JenLarkin says
16 years ago
there there, sweet puppy friend.
ArmchairDeity loves
16 years ago
DammitDog, but gets irritated when a Big Scary Hound acts like more timid that the rabbits he loves to chase
JenLarkin thinks
16 years ago
it's cute.
JenLarkin says
16 years ago
"who's a big scary doggie? You are! Yes, you are! Big scary doggie so scaray scaray!
greytfriend is
16 years ago
happy to hear from DammitDog. I was worried he forgot how to type.
armchairangel says
16 years ago
His parents have just been too busy to help him. *L*
webRat thinks
16 years ago
DammitDog would be proud. When I dropped ZoeyDog off at the kennel, I scheduled a swim in the doogie pool for her on the 5th.
armchairangel says
16 years ago
armchairangel says
16 years ago
I don't know if DammitDog likes to swim or not...
armchairangel says
16 years ago
He hasn't really had much opportunity.
webRat says
16 years ago
Neither has Zoe, but she has webbed feet so I'm sure she'll take to water like a duck.
16 years ago
bets she'll love it webRat. Can you get them to take a video without it costing tons of $?
greytfriend likes
16 years ago
having dogs who are not afraid of thunder. Because I hear some.
webRat says
16 years ago
greyfriend: Unfortunately no
greytfriend says
16 years ago
oh well, webRat, she'll practice with them, then show off for you at a friend's house. Love the name Zoe, BTW.
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