khali_blache says
15 years ago
Morning, all. How are we?
latest #21
15 years ago
Sin has had a very interesting night indeed. How goes, gorgeous?
15 years ago
Oooh, dinner. Mm. Verah nice, verah nice. I'm currently waiting until it's time enough to go to Subway for breakfast (LOL)
15 years ago
Interesting night: Babysitting last night, was called by crazy bi-polar alcoholic mother of child, threatening to call the police all night.
khali_blache was
15 years ago
looking forward to them turning up and seeing me knitting, tbh XD
khali_blache was
15 years ago
babysitting for the father. The mother called at about 2am. Scare tactics. Yeeeaahhh.
15 years ago
She's very sick, and I'm very used to her, but it was still a little stressful. Just a little. Got to watch a good movie, though :-D
15 years ago
Stuck. With whatsherface from Loser? Aaand Let the Right One In. It was this sweet Swedish vampire love movie. Too cute.
15 years ago will I. Yeah. Someday >.>
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