on the Riverwalk. Considering a boat ride.
there are some of us here. Just because the Posse isn't here doesn't mean we're nobody!
R we nobody?
I'm somebody (or thumbody like in the 70s) haha!
i guess we are nobody to dean
it is because he has no friends

only fans
Will he sign an autograph if I meet him in SA?
does Dean know we are talking about him right in front of his face?
lost using plurk. Only catching snippets of conversations. Sensing insults being hurled
that's because you've become chained to twitter and need to reopen the learning corridor!
Actually, THIS is an entire conversation. Twitter is where only see snippets and then have to play detective to see the rest.
Heh, besides, you sound like every single one of us when we first started using Plurk.
exactly. It's amazing to see how things have grown in just 3 days!
We used to sound like this about Twitter.
some things about plurk but is not sure about giving up twitter
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us--don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
omigosh! I started reciting that in my head after the third line!
yo mama!
still not convinced this plurk will work. (hey that rhymes) But I'll play for while anyway Pownce never did it for me.
welcome Dean. Hopefully you will some of the advantages of being here. Too bad about Pownce - was better than Twitter in MHO.
I am trying it, but I am staying on twitter also.
cobannon - so do I. Got tired of the whale image in Twitter
I am still debating. I love twitter.
thanks for the Canada Day plug