annhandley shares
16 years ago
your 2 pesos wanted: Ever suspect that everyone else is smarter, better looking, taller, cooler & has better stuff?
latest #9
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
why is it we never grow out of it annhandley? Is it a particular personality type or just human nature? Excellent post!
annhandley says
16 years ago
thanks bethharte.
Myrnaslist says
16 years ago
annhandley would lv yr feedback webcast interview spiritual wonder LizLesser cofounder Omega Insititue when you have time
16 years ago
I think its definitely human nature, Beth. I feel there's a small % of people who actually don't focus on these other things.
annhandley says
16 years ago
mysnaslist thanks - will gladly check it out
livepath says
16 years ago
LOVE LOVE LOVE the article. So true.
epodcaster says
16 years ago
I think even if your are happy with yourself, there are moments that you feel this way. I think it's human nature. I prefer to shake it off.
annhandley says
16 years ago
yes epodcaster - best to shake it off. But still... it happens.
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