Mr_Robinson hopes
15 years ago
others from Eugene Field will join in on Plurk!
latest #6
arowland says
15 years ago
YEAH Josh!! I hope they will too! This is great PLN! I will introduce you to the group! Befriend the people who say hi and...
arowland says
15 years ago
you'll be in business!
angiemc99 says
15 years ago
Hi Josh! I'm originally from Ottawa! Welcome to the PLN. You're only a little older than me, are you from that area?
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
Welcome to plurk! Glad to have you aboard.
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
Check out FAQ to help you get started, as well as considering adding 30-50 friends. Go to arowland's list and
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
find folks who seem like interesting people to follow. LOTS of other TRC grant folks here.
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