Rockin Traddy wonders
15 years ago
if they make plurk templates that are cooler than what plurk offers?
latest #8
15 years ago
they do but they are not free usually
Rockin Traddy
15 years ago
thanks. i must search for some...
TheRovingMC says
15 years ago
did u see mine?
Rockin Traddy
15 years ago
TheRovingMC: where'd u get it?
TheRovingMC says
15 years ago
go to the top left hit edit then costomize profile then they give u a few links
Rockin Traddy
15 years ago
check out me new NYC plurk thingy. whatchu think?
TheRovingMC says
15 years ago
the pic of the house is that the one u bought?
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