16 years ago
when did the plurk search appear? i just noticed it this morning for the first time.
latest #16
mvandemar says
16 years ago
16 years ago
well thanks to you I just found it... Nice!
TheNanny612 says
16 years ago
I first saw it today too.
mvandemar thinks
16 years ago
maybe he doesn't have enough karma to search...
mvandemar says
16 years ago
Ok, kewl, I see it... but Plurk keeps breaking every time I search
mvandemar says
16 years ago
Thanks. :-D
mvandemar says
16 years ago
Ok, see if it breaks for you too... might be the keyword. I typed in "sex" just to see, and chose the "Everyone's plurks" option...
mvandemar says
16 years ago
First I get "There was an error performing query.", and a page with nothing but a search box and that phrase in it...
mvandemar says
16 years ago
and when I hit *that* search button, I get:
mvandemar says
16 years ago
"Plurk is currently unavailable. We are working on bringing the site up again. We apologize for the inconvenience."
mvandemar says
16 years ago
Every time so far
JavaJunky says
16 years ago
I just noticed it like 2 minutes ago.
16 years ago
try another search term michael, sex term returns an error for my search also.
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