annhandley shares
16 years ago
new Annarchy post: Ever suspect that everyone else is smarter, better looking, taller, cooler & has better stuff?
latest #65
Connie asks
16 years ago
Have you been reading my mind again? (g_thinking)
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
annhandley says
16 years ago
I'm either glad or sorry that it
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
That was a too-emphatic typo. it should have been, "No."
annhandley says
16 years ago
kdfrawg well, good for you. wish I could say the
annhandley says
16 years ago
ckfrawg Oh good. Glad you weren't protesting too much, then.
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
and they have a more expensive handbag too!
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
annhandley LOL! Yeah, the handbag things occasionally get me.
16 years ago knockoffs...
annhandley says
16 years ago
handbags: not so much. iPhones: yes.
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
yeah, they got them from the handbag guy on the mall!
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
Nut my mom says I'm smart and pretty.
annhandley says
16 years ago
But you can't spell...
emsgeiss says
16 years ago
who said handbags? It's the shoes that get me. (Thanks for sharing that great post, btw, annhandley)
annhandley says
16 years ago
shoes: yes. those, too. Plus I have a thing for jackets/coats.
annhandley says
16 years ago
emsgeiss: thanks. am I neurotic or does that resonate with you, too?
16 years ago
timjackson wait, my mom said that too. uh... :'-(
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
I'm pretty much handbag impaired.
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
nah, just the bags for me.
MackCollier says
16 years ago
funny thing is, the more you understand about the rankings, the more you realize how silly they all are
annhandley says
16 years ago
well yeah.. ASSUMING you have healthy self-esteem! :-)
annhandley says
16 years ago
I'm kidding mackcollier... you're right. But it is human nature to compare ourselves to others... and internet metrics do make it easy.
16 years ago
annhandley not sure what you mean. I'm still only #19 in Chicago on plurk so I'm staying up all night.
MackCollier says
16 years ago
annhandley the more I learn about most 'A-Listers' I realize that being one is NOT the brass ring I once thought it was
16 years ago
<-- would settle for being unlisted and still having a life
annhandley says
16 years ago
ambercadabra Drink some Bawls. Stay awake. I'm here for you....
annhandley says
16 years ago
mackcollier Well, you have more A than most A-listers....I'll tell you that.
emsgeiss says
16 years ago're not neurotic. It resonates with me too. Unless we're *both* neurotic. :-o
16 years ago
ugh. i'll settle for being "listed" with the folks I like, thank you very much.
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
I'm still not on the Kansas list, where I would be number on. Well, it's a tiny pond, anyway. :-)
emsgeiss says
16 years ago
MackCollier, I was just wondering where you were, and *poof* you appear.
annhandley says
16 years ago
emsgeiss... quite possible! (woot)
annhandley says
16 years ago
janechin Yes, me too. But it happens across many platforms for me.
annhandley says
16 years ago
kdfrawg I don't think I have a prayer in Boston.
16 years ago
annhandley i suffer from a major case of impostor syndrome. sounds like i'm not alone!
annhandley says
16 years ago
ambercadabra Nope... afraid not!!
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
Oooh, I'll bet Boston os tough. Living in Lawrence, I'm probably up against both of them (KS and MA)
annhandley says
16 years ago
kdfrawg Lawrence, KS is a cool place, I hear?
emsgeiss says
16 years ago
annhandley, I think the fact that you're *in* Boston makes you close. (I'm so missing the Boston scene right now. LOL.)
emsgeiss says
16 years ago
I was on the michigan list, but don't see myself anymore...but we're such a tiny pond of Plurkers
annhandley says
16 years ago
emsgeiss didn't realize you were from here.
emsgeiss says
16 years ago
I don't think Plurk's caught on in the same way as in Bos, which seems to be the epicenter of SM these days
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
It really is, annhandley. One of the best remaining downtowns in the Midwest.
annhandley says
16 years ago
Boston is a fun place.. lots going on, for sure.
annhandley says
16 years ago
Allen Weiss, the founder of MarketingProfs (and my boss), went to school there and talks about it fondly.
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
Good quality of life, good cost of living (well, maybe a little high), great college town
Myrnaslist shares
16 years ago
spiritual adventurer & author Eliz Lesser- why do we try to pretend we're all perfect-waste of time-amazing interview
annhandley says
16 years ago
Lawrence, not Boston.
MackCollier says
16 years ago
annhandley we know who the REAL A-Listers are ;-)
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
50 comments! Dang girl. Good thing you know people like me to drive traffic here for you.
annhandley says
16 years ago
timjackson I don't thnk I can ever repay you.. truly...
annhandley says
16 years ago
thanks for the conversation guys.. appreciate it.
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
Hey, anything for you sis. Did they ever find that body in the back yard you asked me to get rid of?
emsgeiss says
16 years ago
annhandley yeah...I'm only a recent michigan transplant. okay..5 years so it's not too recent, but the fam's still there most of friends
annhandley says
16 years ago
emsgeiss well def let me know if you are ever in town!
annhandley says
16 years ago
timjackson I thought that the other half of your thumb?
emsgeiss says
16 years ago
annhandley yw for the started a great thread (would use bowing smiley, but don't have yet.)
annhandley says
16 years ago
wish there was a way to capture all this on the blog post itself... all this great conversation, and not a single blog comment.
annhandley says
16 years ago
Not that I'm counting, I mean. Heh, heh.
16 years ago
annhandley i bookmarked for tomorrow. love your writing style. i promised myself that i'd get my personal blog back in operation
16 years ago
have you considered using the Plurk widget? It can be found under the edit menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
annhandley says
16 years ago
thanks for that - hadn't noticed it. will take a look at it.
Tim Jackson
16 years ago
Jeez, it's all about Ann...
Connie says
16 years ago
It always is, Tim. Always is.
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