overall i liked this book
latest #13
i think the story line was entertaining and i feel like it was believeable because Shakespeare captured the essence of every teenage boy and
girl out there. I feel like i can somewhat relate and that always makes something better to read
most people would say that they didnt like the language or they thought it was too hard to understand, but i feel like it really added to
the story. who else could tell such a story but Shakespeare? I loved the way all the words sounded back then, it made everythins seem so
poetic and beautiful, and for that reason i enjoyed reading it
also. all the plot twists made it a good read. Althogh i did kno what was going to end up, i didnt kno to what extent so it was good to
its just one of those classic books that i think everyone should read in their lifetime
wow...i'm glad you liked this so much. i agree with you about the language..it is tricky, but there's a certain romance to it that
is like nothing else. i can't imagine writing the way he is able to or capturing a feeling the way he does. really amazing
i think it is easy to relate to if you can see past the melodrama. it really is, at heart, a great STORY...glad you think so too!
great insights from you...you should be proud of yourself!
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