cherryodyssey says
15 years ago
背痛 痛得想捶人
latest #7
not ... na! says
15 years ago
Chin!!!!! Stop plurking in Chinese...I can't read that hahahaha. Not fair, not fair!!!! How are you girl????
not ... na! says
15 years ago
Still enjoying life down under????
cherryodyssey says
15 years ago
dear gigi, I am well I am well. this message said I have sore back, and which made me want to hit people.
cherryodyssey says
15 years ago
if I haven't broken up with my ex, yesterday was the day I would arrive germany. life is strange in this manner.
cherryodyssey says
15 years ago
yeah, still enjoy it, it's getting cold, but still very relaxing.
not ... na! says
15 years ago
Well, life has a way of working things out so maybe your breaking up with the ex was actually a blessing! Like you said, you are still
not ... na! says
15 years ago
enjoying life in Australia! Good for you girl! Who knows, maybe you can visit me in Vietnam! I'd love to meet you!
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