andybeard thinks
16 years ago
Plurk should award Karma based on how other people react to what you say, not on how talkative you are
latest #13
bloggersblog thinks
16 years ago
they do to a certain extent.
theGypsy says
16 years ago
yeah, I'd be writing an algo with some better text recognition that measured related repsonses for metrics
Zak Nicola says
16 years ago
yeah, but that would take a smart algo (s_annoyed)
Zak Nicola says
16 years ago
I would think if they are wanting to track it as if it were real karma they should also track mentions of your name or links to your plurks
sciencebase says
16 years ago
is there some ultimate karma we can achieve at which point we're plurking in a state of transcendence?
andybeard says
16 years ago
probably - though I haven't reached the endgame yet
16 years ago
both actually
AdamSherk thinks
16 years ago
he'd probably like the karma system better if he had some
Matt Siltala says
16 years ago
could not agree more!
Te-ge says
16 years ago
if you plurk more than 30 times in a day, you drop karma, and getting responses helps karma, so most people try to respond to help others.
BarbaraKB says
16 years ago
(g_gym) Listen to teeg. She knows all Plurk.
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