NapWarden says
15 years ago
Nothing like a conversation with mom to piss me off:-P
latest #22
justmylife says
15 years ago
my MIL does that to me. (LOL)
Anglophileff says
15 years ago
I'm sorry.
NapWarden says
15 years ago
here is what she said
NapWarden says
15 years ago
I just put it in a post.
NapWarden says
15 years ago
it's really quite stupid...and yet, I let it bother me.
15 years ago
NapWarden, wasn't your mom the one that was freakin out cos you were posting pics of neighbourhoods close to yours, and she was worried p
15 years ago
ppl would stalk you?
NapWarden says
15 years ago
yes...she did....and she said the super woman character was fat.
NapWarden says
15 years ago
she really knows how to push buttons ya know?
15 years ago
I feel ya!
15 years ago
so, she wants you to get recognition like a movie, but she doesn't want people knowing where you live or your private life?
15 years ago
that wasn't meant as bitchy as it sounds
15 years ago
just because you're a blogger who's a mom, doesn't mean you have to be a mommy blogger - not that there's anything wrong with that... ;-)
15 years ago
besides, I kinda think of you more as a design blogger - with mommy stories!
15 years ago
same here
NapWarden says
15 years ago
I like that...and no, I was never looking for a movie deal, or book deal...My Mom always points out when bloggers go somewhere...
NapWarden says
15 years ago
kind of a you should do that thing...she's kind of kooky...
redpenmama wonders
15 years ago
if your mom knows the sheer number of bloggers out there? about .01% get book deals, never mind movies. :-D
15 years ago
plus, I didn't read the site you linked to, but it sounds like she's a professional commercial writer who happens to blog.
NapWarden says
15 years ago
I am not looking for a book deal...I don't know where my mom comes up with this:-P
justmylife asks
15 years ago
aren't we all in this for the big bucks? (rofl)
15 years ago
would love a book deal, but I know it's not going to happen because I blog. :-D
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