Moosifer is
16 years ago
wondering how his Karma went back to 0.00. bah!
latest #9
SamProof says
16 years ago
you never plurk that's how! gotta plurk everday
Moosifer says
16 years ago
Damn you plurk! Damn you to hell!!
SamProof says
16 years ago
:-( sorry
that grrl soup thinks
16 years ago
you should plurk more!
that grrl soup says
16 years ago
we can help you get your karma back up :-)
hiphopopotamus says
16 years ago
the more you plurk and the more your friends plurk the more karma you get
SamProof says
16 years ago
this is all I read there "Plurk plurk plukr.. karma plurk plurk." I've lost it.
hiphopopotamus says
16 years ago
SamProof says
16 years ago
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