samiam shares
15 years ago
latest #37
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
that's some pretty bad luck!
sparx104 says
15 years ago
at least it turned out ok, well, for her anyway. not so much the bear.
samiam likes
15 years ago
that she actually had some compassion for the bear. That, and that she wasn't seriously hurt.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
it is unusual i suppose. although it didn't actually attack her
sparx104 says
15 years ago
i'm not sure she'd have been so compassionate if it had.
samiam thinks
15 years ago
probably not, since the reason she felt bad for it was that she thought it didn't intend to attack.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
aye, presumably she knew something about bears if she was able to think that
samiam thinks
15 years ago
not petting the bear means she knew something about bears. ;-)
sparx104 says
15 years ago
(LOL) are people really that stupid?!
samiam shares
15 years ago
more detail on original Plurk. Does the bear look small to anyone else?
sparx104 says
15 years ago
i have no idea what size they should be. i like how the polar bear woman was cited for trespassing! - typical germans
samiam says
15 years ago
As she should be. We need to keep stuff like this from happening.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
they should have just left her in with the bears. you do wonder why people do it - they must know they're going to get other
sparx104 says
15 years ago
people to risk themselves helping them out
samiam says
15 years ago
and cause the destruction of a captive animal.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
aye, i wonder why she did it. on the other hand - the article mentions "knut", a polar bear cub which some "animal rights" activists wanted
sparx104 says
15 years ago
put down so "it didn't have to live it's life in a zoo". quite what right they think they have to decide that i don't know.
samiam says
15 years ago
Yes, because dead is better than fed, sheltered, given health care, and protected from humans. (doh)
sparx104 says
15 years ago
i don't know what you have over there but we go a great line on "animal rights activists". think like your right-to-life lot - these people
sparx104 says
15 years ago
would rather attack humans than see animals used for medical research, yet we have the most stringent checks on the planet for the use
sparx104 says
15 years ago
of animals in research
samiam says
15 years ago
We have PETA. I'm sure there are less messed up groups, but PETA gets the publicity.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
one of our lot dug up the recently buried mother of a worker at a research centre. they really are scum. i always thought peta was like
sparx104 says
15 years ago
greenpeace - noisy but ultimately pointless. are they more militant?
samiam shares
15 years ago
sparx104 says
15 years ago
yup, that sounds about right. all these activists are hypocrites. if they want animal testing stopped so much then offer themselve as
sparx104 says
15 years ago
subjects to be tested on.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
and, wrt to vegetarians, if it's such a healthy lifestyle why do they take suppliments?
15 years ago
can't agree with "all", but I see your point.
samiam thinks
15 years ago
it's possible to get complete proteins by combining grain with legume.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
i have no idea. and yes, all was la bit broad - most is better, especially the big ones which love the publicity far more than their cause.
15 years ago
knows that eating the grain/legume conbo would send her glucose way too high.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
probably best not to be vegitarian! - what other blood use do chickens have except being eaten anyway?!
sparx104 says
15 years ago
*bloody use
sparx104 says
15 years ago
right, all this talk of food is making me hungry, i shall go to bed before i decide to make a sandwich! 'night. (bye)
samiam says
15 years ago
G'night, sparx104!
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