samiam shares
15 years ago
latest #59
sparx104 says
15 years ago
quite ironic that they thought bird flu was going to kill us all and it's probably going to be from pigs...
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
it is very scary, especially where there is so much tourism & people bringing it home with them
samiam says
15 years ago
Or not. That's part of the scary factor: You never know which potential pandemic to take seriously.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
yup. and anyway, it's not as tho we can do anything about it anyway - it's up to our "leaders" who can't be arsed as long as they're ok.
samiam thinks
15 years ago
a little extra hand-washing can't hurt (too much).
samiam wonders
15 years ago
, too, how anything mildly immuno-suppressive would come into play.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
apparently they don't have a vaccine yet but strong doses of an antiviral may work. if you're on immuno-suppressive drugs you're as good as
sparx104 says
15 years ago
dead (bye) ;-)
samiam says
15 years ago
except that most people killed are young adults, i.e., those with the healthiest immune systems.
samiam says
15 years ago
The theory she's read is that the immune response itself is strong enough to kill.
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
so your body kills itself ... that would be a good episode of house
sparx104 says
15 years ago
i'd not heard that. the immune response is what causes allergies so it's certainly powerful enough. and it would explain young adults as
samiam says
15 years ago
House would have this cured in an hours time, counting commercial breaks!
sparx104 says
15 years ago
they're usually the last to go. how odd. would be a much more serious problem if it does.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
it's quite interesting that all this is happening while i'm reading a book about the plague in the 1340s, they're v similar
samiam says
15 years ago
Doomsday Book?
sparx104 says
15 years ago
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
(annoyed) just as a bit of light bedtime reading
samiam shares
15 years ago
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
i'd find a review to link to but i don't want to spoil the story
samiam says
15 years ago
Seriously? The same book?
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
sparx104 says
15 years ago
interesting way to deal with the grandfather paradox.
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
no it's not the same :-)) mine isn't time travel, it's all set in the olden days
sparx104 says
15 years ago
i did wonder....
samiam says
15 years ago
Good. I was beginning to get worried about us both reading the same not-so-famous book.
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
that would be amazing! doesn't have a wikipedia entry
sparx104 says
15 years ago
dealing with the plague, as envisaged by monty python: Monty Python-Bring out your dead!
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
if only i were prime minister...
sparx104 says
15 years ago
give it a year and you can try - this lot won't be there then
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
i'm not sure i'd get many votes, i'd have to sieze power
sparx104 says
15 years ago
(woot) a bit of excitement then! anyway, if the flu takes hold there you may not have many subjects..
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
i have loads of tins and a few blunt objects, i'd make it through
sparx104 says
15 years ago
(LOL) it appears we may not be the only ones thinking about this:
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
i just saw on twitterfox :-)) it's spreading!
sparx104 says
15 years ago
:-o according to wikipedia we've 6 unconfirmed cases.
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
well, we have 6 people with flu-like symptoms, they're not really zombies yet
sparx104 says
15 years ago
ah, i didn't really read it closely. at least it's not the winter - imagine if all the people who get "normal" flu had to be checked!
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
i'm not even going to read about it, i'm far too much of a hypochondriac. plus i have pretty much everything already
sparx104 says
15 years ago
(cozy) you'll be ok, i'm sure the government will swoop down before you know you've got it! - i've never actually had the flu.
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
i get the flu at least once every winter, and in summer i have hayfever; in between i'm allergic to dust and cats :-))
sparx104 says
15 years ago
:-o that's unfortunate ;-) hang on, allergic to cats?! you have a pet one...
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
i know! i'm not so allergic that i'm really poorly, i just sneeze. i didn't realise until we got them
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
it's worth it though!
sparx104 says
15 years ago
(LOL) i get hayfever from certain plants but not all. the only illnesses which ever had a real effect were meningitis (resulted in a severe
sparx104 says
15 years ago
headache and the doctor panicked) and septicaemia (which was nearly fatal apparently)
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
:-o you've been properly poorly!
sparx104 says
15 years ago
apparently. in both cases i walked into the doctors expecting nothing. the meningitis was due to having a headache for days and a rash
sparx104 says
15 years ago
appeared suddenly. the blood poisoning was due to feeling shit for about a week then coming out with red streaks on my skin. apparently
sparx104 says
15 years ago
i should have been dead by that point. i ended up with so many antibiotics i wasn't ill for about 6 months afterward!
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
cool! you're probably indestructible then. my only proper poorliness was a throat infection which triggered psoriasis
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
yet another thing to add to my list of skin complaints!
sparx104 says
15 years ago
aww (cozy). i'm not sure about indestructible - just obstinate. my doctor is an arse who i avoid as much as possible.
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
(cozy) i've had tons of doctors, but i like my latest one and my dermatologist
sparx104 says
15 years ago
that's good then. mine always gives the opinion that you're wasting his time - something he's been known to be vocal about. pillock.
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
i've had that before, i always think they won't believe me
sparx104 says
15 years ago
you have to wonder how or why some of them actually become doctors - surely you've got to actually want to help people to do the job...
samiam thinks
15 years ago
the world would be a better place if docs were more inclined to listen to her. (annoyed)
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