samiam has
15 years ago
a tree frog on her door frame! :-)
latest #34
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
ohmigod!! take a picture!!
samiam wishes
15 years ago
she could...
15 years ago
got to pet it earlier. It feels like rubber!
sparx104 says
15 years ago
:-o it amazes me how frogs think staying still whilst being poked is a survival strategy...
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
that is soooo cool ... i love frogs. i saw one ages ago on the pavement but never a tree frog
samiam was
15 years ago
worried that it was dead, but it's definitely breathing. :-)
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
are you going to keep it as a pet?
15 years ago
used to keep a pair of ACFs.
samiam thinks
15 years ago
this frog wouldn't appreciate being captive.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
i think we only get common ones over here - i've only ever seen them. lots, and lots - there's a pond in my parent's garden the fogs love
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
if you stroked him and fed him i think he would be happy
samiam wonders
15 years ago
how you hold the fly still...
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
you'd have to get dead ones from a pet shop
15 years ago
could get dead flies without a pet shop.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
there's bloody loads here - perhaps you could lend me the frog to get rid of a few... ;-)
samiam is
15 years ago
more than willing to lend sparx104 her spiders...
samiam is
15 years ago
trying to find a visual frog-identification guide.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
ooh, i'd rather have the flies than the spiders - flies don't hide and jump out on you
samiam says
15 years ago
Fly bites don't result in months of wound cleaning, either.
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
spider bites don't either, not here at least
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
oh that is sooo cooool! :-o
samiam says
15 years ago
Two words: brown recluse
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
i'm so not clicking on that,
sparx104 says
15 years ago
i remember that discussion...
samiam says
15 years ago
samiam says
15 years ago
Two more: black widow
sparx104 says
15 years ago
there have been cases of them turning up here in fruit shipments
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
i've heard those stories, my gran's friend found a tarantula in a bunch of bananas in sainsbury's
ginajellybean says
15 years ago
that's why you should always pull the bunches apart before you buy them
15 years ago
found a spider in her apples the other day. (unsure)
15 years ago
threw away the apple it was on, 'cause she couldn't have eaten it without thinking horrible thoughts.
sparx104 says
15 years ago
i shall never buy fruit again (unsure)
samiam says
15 years ago
tarantulas are common just a bit south of here.
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