Sabell thinks
15 years ago
leftover cold chicken isn't half bad for lunch.
latest #13
15 years ago
chased by pain pills :-D
ellinidata says
15 years ago
no it is not! (LOL) especially when it is warmed up and tops a salad :-) I wish you a great weekend
noahcounte says
15 years ago
it's a buffet!
15 years ago
lol, I did have a salad on the side. I'm hungry now come to think of it. Made dinner for the fam..but wasn't in the mood for eating...:-D
ellinidata says
15 years ago
I hope you feel like eating something nutricious and tasty tomorrow, kids can drain a hungry mom :-)
noahcounte says
15 years ago
I hate it when you have to cook for a hungry brood, but you don't want to eat.
ellinidata says
15 years ago
in my case I do the eating :-P my brood hits for the frozen pizza instead! Have a great Day!
noahcounte says
15 years ago
that's how I end up making three meals. :-(
ellinidata says
15 years ago
*cry* I think I should start sending meals overnight to share and you send the pizzas! (LOL) I hear you!
noahcounte says
15 years ago
hahahah. There's a plan
ellinidata says
15 years ago
if you are OK with beans , spinach,pies,and free of red meat meals you are on! the kids eat pepperoni pizza extra cheese :-D Red Byron thin:-D
15 years ago
(hungry) sounds good!
ellinidata says
15 years ago
hahahaqhaha , always glad to share with more!
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