NapWarden says
15 years ago
That's it...I am not doing any more work until payments come in.
latest #22
NapWarden says
15 years ago
currently juggling at least 5 projects...bills went out...payments haven't been made...I'm taking a nap (sleeping)
15 years ago
good for you!
15 years ago
I've found that people aren't as timely as they used to be with paying their bills. Even those with $$.
NapWarden says
15 years ago
it's good to know I'm not the only one noticing this.
NapWarden says
15 years ago
folks seek me out...once I talk $...they disappear...
redpenmama hates
15 years ago
that, too. It was my least favorite thing about freelancing.
NapWarden says
15 years ago
it does suck...I guess folks are just hanging on to their cash. Still, it's not like they thought my services were free.
NapWarden says
15 years ago
I always quote the price up front...
NapWarden says
15 years ago
redpenmama...what kind of freelancing did you do?
NapWarden says
15 years ago
Clumber...I gotta get your new look on the design's so how it turned out!
NapWarden says
15 years ago
NapWarden says
15 years ago
I totally forgot about the cloud. Let me know if that works...I still have all the graphics on the old look, if you ever want to go back...
NapWarden says
15 years ago
I think the new look is totally spring...
15 years ago
napwarden, I did freelance writing and graphic design (more of the former).
15 years ago
remember, the rule is 30 days. After that, you should feel free to mention collection agencies, or court. Then tell them
15 years ago
you'll give them another 15 to 30 days. (annoyed)
redpenmama is
15 years ago
not crazy about my job right now, but at least I can collect a check every 2 weeks.
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