We Dream of Truth - Chapter 1 - Drag0nst0rm - The Si... Rereading this again and crying lots
latest #15
𝕊𝕖𝕒 𝔾𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕜𝕚𝕟
8 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
(Someone needs to sit on Feanor and Nolo so they can Talk With Words and not grand gestures of Dumb Decisionmaking)
8 months ago
XD good luck with that
Personally I nominate Bilbo
If you get enough hobbits to tackle them they can't fight them all off
8 months ago
no no you need Frodo
8 months ago
because no one can be mean to Frodo
8 months ago
(or else Sam will get them)
You know I do think it's funny that the Finweans are like, this ridiculously dramatic family be elf standards, but it's probably Just Those Bagginses again by Hobbit standards
8 months ago
wheeze its true
8 months ago
which fic was it where Bilbo compares rousting Smaug from the Lonely Mountain like getting rid of Lobelia
8 months ago
I'm pretty sure it was a Dragonstorm fic XD
I'll have to go hunt it down (bless Dragonst0rm for their great service to Elves and Hobbits)
8 months ago
Bilbo: Smaug is like a bigger Lobellia, but definitely not meaner
8 months ago
probably XD
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