character questions! i like these.
latest #18
Will answer when get home in a bit.
8 months ago
Collins: 20 (i want to know his opinion about musicals), 32, 49
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes on?
He absolutely loves music in almost all forms, so while he still needs to be introduced to modern musicals/television/movie musicals, he definitely likes theater musicals.
I totally want someone to introduce him to the Phantom of the Opera's musical because I think he would adore it and have so many Feels about it. I do headcanon that he has seen the movies from his time and read the book and he does like it so. c:
Collins is a sing along type person. He will sing at any given time, too, he does not care.
He whistled inside a church. He sang while trying to murder Arthur with a shotgun (and just after having shot Daniel with the shotgun). So.
Music is literally in his head 24/7, he loves music, and he is constantly humming, whistling, or singing no matter where he is or what's happening around him.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Collins wears three piece suits most of the time. This is how he was described in his youth when he went to murder someone and its how he's described again in Malevolent.
From the sound of it, he wears period typical suits and they range from medium expense to highly expensive tailored clothing -- money is not an issue for him typically. He also doesn't mind getting them dirty and simply replacing them as he's often described as having blood on him and he even wipes blood off on his pants in one scene.
Arthur mentions Collins wearing pin stripe on the train (which still gets me every time because John never says this in his description, Arthur either just assumed or guessed or Harlan (the writer) didn't notice he hadn't used that in the description but that seems strange so I WONDER about it every time).
He's probably very 1920/30s proper suit gangster looking tbh. He also wears a hat although it's not specified what kind I usually picture a flat cap or a fedora.
Shops -- probably whatever is available to highly recommended and expensive shops of the time/place he's in depending on what he's going for and how quickly he needs it.
Mrs. Sheepie
8 months ago
i noticed that too, ahah. maybe train staff have specific uniforms that aren't pinstripe
He wears what he wants, but he's a man of some taste, too. I've never thought about sleepwear... what do guys usually wear to sleep in the 1920/30s?? lmao. idk. no makeup, doesn't hide his bruises or scars, and
he's balding he doesn't give a shit about it either so nothing special about his hair (it's literally described as wisps of hair hanging out of his hat, he gives no fucks about his hair fashion)
Maniette: maybe! idk. it's interesting though.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Probably just his weapons or something. I don't picture him as a sentimental type of person. He travels a lot so it's easier not to have keepsakes.
He carries a gun and piano wire with him most of the time, but other than that I don't think he has anything that he "has to take everywhere with him."
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